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Pinacol allylboronate

Chemical structure of Pinacol allylboronate

Molecular Formula: C9H17BO2

Molecular Weight: 168.044 g/mol

Cas Number: 72824-04-5


Melting Point: n/a

Boiling Point: 60 ºC (30 mmHg)

Density: 0.896 g/mL (20 ºC)

Refractive Index: 1.4268 (20 ºC)

Synthesis Reference(s) for Pinacol allylboronate

1) Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2001, vol. 625, p. 47-53
2) Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009, vol. 48, p. 5350-5354
3) Angewandte Chemie, 2009, vol. 121, p. 5454-5458
4) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000, vol. 122, p. 5455-5463
5) Tetrahedron Letters, 2000, vol. 41, №31, p. 5877-5880

Synonym Chemical Name(s) for Pinacol allylboronate

Allyl pinacol boronate
Pinacolyl 2-propenylboronate
Allylboronic acid pinacol ester
pinacolyl allylboronate

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Pinacol boronate esters